Category: projects

PulseAudio vs. AudioFlinger

Arun put an awesome article up, detailing how PulseAudio compares to Android's AudioFlinger in terms of power consumption and suchlike. Suffice to say, PulseAudio rocks, but go and read the whole thing, it's worth it.

Apparently, AudioFlinger is a great choice if you want to shorten your battery life.

Introducing the Journal

In the past weeks we have been working on a major new addition to systemd that will hopefully positively change the Linux ecosystem in a number of ways. But see for yourself, check out the full explanation on what we have implemented on the design document we put up on Google Docs.

Kernel Hackers Panel

At LinuxCon Europe/ELCE I had the chance to moderate the kernel hackers panel with Linus Torvalds, Alan Cox, Paul McKenney and Thomas Gleixner on stage. I like to believe it went quite well, but check it out for yourself, as a video recording is now available online:

For me personally I think the most notable topic covered was Control Groups, and the clarification that they are something that is needed even though their implementation right now is in many ways less than perfect. But in the end there is no reasonable way around it, and much like SMP, technology that complicates things substantially but is ultimately unavoidable.

Other videos from ELCE are online now, too.


At the Kernel Summit in Prague last week Kay Sievers and I lead a session on developing shared userspace libraries, for kernel hackers. More and more userspace interfaces of the kernel (for example many which deal with storage, audio, resource management, security, file systems or a number of other subsystems) nowadays rely on a dedicated userspace component. As people who work primarily in the plumbing layer of the Linux OS we noticed over and over again that these libraries written by people who usually are at home on the kernel side of things make the same mistakes repeatedly, thus making life for the users of the libraries unnecessarily difficult. In our session we tried to point out a number of these things, and in particular places where the usual kernel hacking style translates badly into userspace shared library hacking. Our hope is that maybe a few kernel developers have a look at our list of recommendations and consider the points we are raising.

To make things easy we have put together an example skeleton library we dubbed libabc, whose README file includes all our points in terse form. It's available on

The git repository and the README.

This list of recommendations draws inspiration from David Zeuthen's and Ulrich Drepper's well known papers on the topic of writing shared libraries. In the README linked above we try to distill this wealth of information into a terse list of recommendations, with a couple of additions and with a strict focus on a kernel hacker background.

Please have a look, and even if you are not a kernel hacker there might be something useful to know in it, especially if you work on the lower layers of our stack.

If you have any questions or additions, just ping us, or comment below!


If you make it to Prague the coming week for the LinuxCon/ELCE/GStreamer/Kernel Summit/... superconference, make sure not to miss:

All of that at the Clarion Hotel. See you in Prague!

Plumbers Wishlist, The Second Edition

Two weeks ago we published a Plumber's Wishlist for Linux. So far, this has already created lively discussions in the community (as reported on LWN among others), and patches for a few of the items listed have already been posted (thanks a lot to those who worked on this, your contributions are much appreciated!).

We have now prepared a second version of the wish list. It includes a number of additions (tmpfs quota! hostname change notifications! and more!) and updates to the previous items, including links to patches, and references to other interesting material.

We hope to update this wishlist from time, so stay tuned!

And now, go and read the new wishlist!

Google doesn't like my name

Nice one, Google suspended my Google+ account because I created it under, well, my name, which is "Lennart Poettering", and Google+ thinks that wasn't my name, even though it says so in my passport, and almost every document I own and I was never aware I had any other name. This is ricidulous. Google, give me my name back! This is a really uncool move.

Your Questions for the Kernel Developer Panel at LinuxCon in Prague

#nocomments yes

I am currently collecting questions for the kernel developer panel at LinuxCon in Prague. If there's something you'd like the panelists to respond to, please post it on the thread, and I'll see what I can do. Thank you!

A Big Loss

Google announced today that they'll be shutting down Google Code Search in January. I am quite sure that this would be a massive loss for the Free Software community. The ability to learn from other people's code is a key idea of Free Software. There's simply no better way to do that than with a source code search engine. The day Google Code Search will be shut down will be a sad day for the Free Software community.

Of course, there are a couple of alternatives around, but they all have one thing in common: they, uh, don't even remotely compare to the completeness, performance and simplicity of the Google Code Search interface, and have serious usability issues. (For example: is really really slow, and splits up identifiers you search for at underscores, which kinda makes it useless for looking for almost any kind of code.)

I think it must be of genuine interest to the Free Software community to have a capable replacement for Google Code Search, for the day it is turned off. In fact, it probably should be something the various foundations which promote Free Software should be looking into, like the FSF or the Linux Foundation. There are very few better ways to get Free Software into the heads and minds of engineers than by examples -- examples consisting of real life code they can find with a source code search engine. I believe a source code search engine is probably among the best vehicles to promote Free Software towards engineers. In particular if it itself was Free Software (in contrast to Google Code Search).

Ideally, all software available on web sites like SourceForge, Freshmeat, or github should be indexed. But there's also a chance for distributions here: indexing the sources of all packages a distribution like Debian or Fedora include would be a great tool for developers. In fact, a distribution offering this functionality might benefit from such functionality, as it attracts developer interest in the distribution.

It's sad that Google Code Search will be gone soon. But maybe there's something positive in the bad news here, and a chance to create something better, more comprehensive, that is free, and promotes our ideals better than Google ever could. Maybe there's a chance here for the Open Source foundations, for the distributions and for the communities to create a better replacement!

A Plumber's Wish List for Linux

Here's a mail we just sent to LKML, for your consideration. Enjoy:

Subject: A Plumber’s Wish List for Linux

We’d like to share our current wish list of plumbing layer features we
are hoping to see implemented in the near future in the Linux kernel and
associated tools. Some items we can implement on our own, others are not
our area of expertise, and we will need help getting them implemented.

Acknowledging that this wish list of ours only gets longer and not
shorter, even though we have implemented a number of other features on
our own in the previous years, we are posting this list here, in the
hope to find some help.

If you happen to be interested in working on something from this list or
able to help out, we’d be delighted. Please ping us in case you need
clarifications or more information on specific items.

Kay, Lennart, Harald, in the name of all the other plumbers

An here’s the wish list, in no particular order:

* (ioctl based?) interface to query and modify the label of a mounted
FAT volume:
A FAT labels is implemented as a hidden directory entry in the file
system which need to be renamed when changing the file system label,
this is impossible to do from userspace without unmounting. Hence we’d
like to see a kernel interface that is available on the mounted file
system mount point itself. Of course, bonus points if this new interface
can be implemented for other file systems as well, and also covers fs
UUIDs in addition to labels.

* CPU modaliases in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpuX/modalias:
useful to allow module auto-loading of e.g. cpufreq drivers and KVM
modules. Andy Kleen has a patch to create the alias file itself. CPU
‘struct sysdev’ needs to be converted to ‘struct device’ and a ‘struct
bus_type cpu’ needs to be introduced to allow proper CPU coldplug event
replay at bootup. This is one of the last remaining places where
automatic hardware-triggered module auto-loading is not available. And
we’d like to see that fix to make numerous ugly userspace work-arounds
to achieve the same go away.

* expose CAP_LAST_CAP somehow in the running kernel at runtime:
Userspace needs to know the highest valid capability of the running
kernel, which right now cannot reliably be retrieved from header files
only. The fact that this value cannot be detected properly right now
creates various problems for libraries compiled on newer header files
which are run on older kernels. They assume capabilities are available
which actually aren’t. Specifically, libcap-ng claims that all running
processes retain the higher capabilities in this case due to the
“inverted” semantics of CapBnd in /proc/$PID/status.

* export ‘struct device_type fb/fbcon’ of ‘struct class graphics’
Userspace wants to easily distinguish ‘fb’ and ‘fbcon’ from each other
without the need to match on the device name.

* allow changing argv[] of a process without mucking with environ[]:
Something like setproctitle() or a prctl() would be ideal. Of course it
is questionable if services like sendmail make use of this, but otoh for
services which fork but do not immediately exec() another binary being
able to rename this child processes in ps is of importance.

* module-init-tools: provide a proper from
Early boot tools, installers, driver install disks want to access
information about available modules to optimize bootup handling.

* fork throttling mechanism as basic cgroup functionality that is
available in all hierarchies independent of the controllers used:
This is important to implement race-free killing of all members of a
cgroup, so that cgroup member processes cannot fork faster then a cgroup
supervisor process could kill them. This needs to be recursive, so that
not only a cgroup but all its subgroups are covered as well.

* proper cgroup-is-empty notification interface:
The current call_usermodehelper() interface is an unefficient and an
ugly hack. Tools would prefer anything more lightweight like a netlink,
poll() or fanotify interface.

* allow user xattrs to be set on files in the cgroupfs (and maybe

* simple, reliable and future-proof way to detect whether a specific pid
is running in a CLONE_NEWPID container, i.e. not in the root PID
namespace. Currently, there are available a few ugly hacks to detect
this (for example a process wanting to know whether it is running in a
PID namespace could just look for a PID 2 being around and named
kthreadd which is a kernel thread only visible in the root namespace),
however all these solutions encode information and expectations that
better shouldn’t be encoded in a namespace test like this. This
functionality is needed in particular since the removal of the the ns
cgroup controller which provided the namespace membership information to
user code.

* allow making use of the “cpu” cgroup controller by default without
breaking RT. Right now creating a cgroup in the “cpu” hierarchy that
shall be able to take advantage of RT is impossible for the generic case
since it needs an RT budget configured which is from a limited resource
pool. What we want is the ability to create cgroups in “cpu” whose
processes get an non-RT weight applied, but for RT take advantage of the
parent’s RT budget. We want the separation of RT and non-RT budget
assignment in the “cpu” hierarchy, because right now, you lose RT
functionality in it unless you assign an RT budget. This issue severely
limits the usefulness of “cpu” hierarchy on general purpose systems
right now.

* Add a timerslack cgroup controller, to allow increasing the timer
slack of user session cgroups when the machine is idle.

* An auxiliary meta data message for AF_UNIX called SCM_CGROUPS (or
something like that), i.e. a way to attach sender cgroup membership to
messages sent via AF_UNIX. This is useful in case services such as
syslog shall be shared among various containers (or service cgroups),
and the syslog implementation needs to be able to distinguish the
sending cgroup in order to separate the logs on disk. Of course stm
SCM_CREDENTIALS can be used to look up the PID of the sender followed by
a check in /proc/$PID/cgroup, but that is necessarily racy, and actually
a very real race in real life.

* SCM_COMM, with a similar use case as SCM_CGROUPS. This auxiliary
control message should carry the process name as available
in /proc/$PID/comm.

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