Category: projects

The Desktop Summit Wiki Is Full Of Interesting Stuff

Just wanted to draw your attention to the Desktop Summit Wiki. If you are attending the Desktop Summit in Berlin you might find some interesting information in the Wiki.

Go to the main page of the Wiki here. You are welcome to edit and add additional information to the Wiki. To edit the Wiki authenticate with the same credentials you used to sign up for the conference at the Desktop Summit web site.

See you on friday!

Desktop Summit Announcements, Part II

Read the first part of the announcements.

And now there are more exciting announcements:

Only 5 days are now left to beginning of the conference. The first event will already take place on Friday August 5th, at c-base at U/S Jannowitzbrücke, starting at 4pm. The conference programme itself will begin on Saturday August 6th, 10am (though do come earlier, for registration, if you didn't register at the c-base event already!). Note that the primary entrance to the Desktop Summit is in the north-eastern corner of the main building of Humboldt University. That's on Dorotheenstr./Hegelplatz, and not on Unter den Linden.

See you on Friday at c-base!

Desktop Summit Announcements

In case you missed them, there have been a couple of exciting announcements around the Desktop Summit in Berlin, Germany.

And there will be more exciting announcements coming!

See you in 14 days! Oh, and if you still haven't registered, do so now. It's free, and if you don't register you might not get on the WLAN at the conference right-away.

systemd for Administrators, Part IX

Here's the ninth installment of my ongoing series on systemd for Administrators:

On /etc/sysconfig and /etc/default

So, here's a bit of an opinion piece on the /etc/sysconfig/ and /etc/default directories that exist on the various distributions in one form or another, and why I believe their use should be faded out. Like everything I say on this blog what follows is just my personal opinion, and not the gospel and has nothing to do with the position of the Fedora project or my employer. The topic of /etc/sysconfig has been coming up in discussions over and over again. I hope with this blog story I can explain a bit what we as systemd upstream think about these files.

A few lines about the historical context: I wasn't around when /etc/sysconfig was introduced -- suffice to say it has been around on Red Hat and SUSE distributions since a long long time. Eventually /etc/default was introduced on Debian with very similar semantics. Many other distributions know a directory with similar semantics too, most of them call it either one or the other way. In fact, even other Unix-OSes sported a directory like this. (Such as SCO. If you are interested in the details, I am sure a Unix greybeard of your trust can fill in what I am leaving vague here.) So, even though a directory like this has been known widely on Linuxes and Unixes, it never has been standardized, neither in POSIX nor in LSB/FHS. These directories very much are something where distributions distuingish themselves from each other.

The semantics of /etc/default and /etc/sysconfig are very losely defined only. What almost all files stored in these directories have in common though is that they are sourcable shell scripts which primarily consist of environment variable assignments. Most of the files in these directories are sourced by the SysV init scripts of the same name. The Debian Policy Manual (9.3.2) and the Fedora Packaging Guidelines suggest this use of the directories, however both distributions also have files in them that do not follow this scheme, i.e. that do not have a matching SysV init script -- or not even are shell scripts at all.

Why have these files been introduced? On SysV systems services are started via init scripts in /etc/rc.d/init.d (or a similar directory). /etc/ is (these days) considered the place where system configuration is stored. Originally these init scripts were subject to customization by the administrator. But as they grew and become complex most distributions no longer considered them true configuration files, but more just a special kind of programs. To make customization easy and guarantee a safe upgrade path the customizable bits hence have been moved to separate configuration files, which the init scripts then source.

Let's have a quick look what kind of configuration you can do with these files. Here's a short incomprehensive list of various things that can be configured via environment settings in these source files I found browsing through the directories on a Fedora and a Debian machine:

  • Additional command line parameters for the daemon binaries
  • Locale settings for a daemon
  • Shutdown time-out for a daemon
  • Shutdown mode for a daemon
  • System configuration like system locale, time zone information, console keyboard
  • Redundant system configuration, like whether the RTC is in local timezone
  • Firewall configuration data, not in shell format (!)
  • CPU affinity for a daemon
  • Settings unrelated to boot, for example including information how to install a new kernel package, how to configure nspluginwrap or whether to do library prelinking
  • Whether a specific service should be started or not
  • Networking configuration
  • Which kernel modules to statically load
  • Whether to halt or power-off on shutdown
  • Access modes for device nodes (!)
  • A description string for the SysV service (!)
  • The user/group ID, umask to run specific daemons as
  • Resource limits to set for a specific daemon
  • OOM adjustment to set for a specific daemon

Now, let's go where the beef is: what's wrong with /etc/sysconfig (resp. /etc/default)? Why might it make sense to fade out use of these files in a systemd world?

  • For the majority of these files the reason for having them simply does not exist anymore: systemd unit files are not programs like SysV init scripts were. Unit files are simple, declarative descriptions, that usually do not consist of more than 6 lines or so. They can easily be generated, parsed without a Bourne interpreter and understood by the reader. Also, they are very easy to modify: just copy them from /lib/systemd/system to /etc/systemd/system and edit them there, where they will not be modified by the package manager. The need to separate code and configuration that was the original reason to introduce these files does not exist anymore, as systemd unit files do not include code. These files hence now are a solution looking for a problem that no longer exists.
  • They are inherently distribution-specific. With systemd we hope to encourage standardization between distributions. Part of this is that we want that unit files are supplied with upstream, and not just added by the packager -- how it has usually been done in the SysV world. Since the location of the directory and the available variables in the files is very different on each distribution, supporting /etc/sysconfig files in upstream unit files is not feasible. Configuration stored in these files works against de-balkanization of the Linux platform.
  • Many settings are fully redundant in a systemd world. For example, various services support configuration of the process credentials like the user/group ID, resource limits, CPU affinity or the OOM adjustment settings. However, these settings are supported only by some SysV init scripts, and often have different names if supported in multiple of them. OTOH in systemd, all these settings are available equally and uniformly for all services, with the same configuration option in unit files.
  • Unit files know a large number of easy-to-use process context settings, that are more comprehensive than what most /etc/sysconfig files offer.
  • A number of these settings are entirely questionnabe. For example, the aforementiond configuration option for the user/group ID a service runs as is primarily something the distributor has to take care of. There is little to win for administrators to change these settings, and only the distributor has the broad overview to make sure that UID/GID and name collisions do not happen.
  • The file format is not ideal. Since the files are usually sourced as shell scripts, parse errors are very hard to decypher and are not logged along the other configuration problems of the services. Generally, unknown variable assignments simply have no effect but this is not warned about. This makes these files harder to debug than necessary.
  • Configuration files sources from shell scripts are subject to the execution parameters of the interpreter, and it has many: settings like IFS or LANG tend to modify drastically how shell scripts are parsed and understood. This makes them fragile.
  • Interpretation of these files is slow, since it requires spawning of a shell, which adds at least one process for each service to be spawned at boot.
  • Often, files in /etc/sysconfig are used to "fake" configuration files for daemons which do not support configuration files natively. This is done by glueing together command line arguments from these variable assignments that are then passed to the daemon. In general proper, native configuration files in these daemons are the much prettier solution however. Command line options like "-k", "-a" or "-f" are not self-explanatory and have a very cryptic syntax. Moreover the same switches in many daemons have (due to the limited vocabulary) often very much contradicting effects. (On one daemon -f might cause the daemon to daemonize, while on another one this option turns exactly this behaviour off.) Command lines generally cannot include sensible comments which most configuration files however can.
  • A number of configuration settings in /etc/sysconfig are entirely redundant: for example, on many distributions it can be controlled via /etc/sysconfig files whether the RTC is in UTC or local time. Such an option already exists however in the 3rd line of the /etc/adjtime (which is known on all distributions). Adding a second, redundant, distribution-specific option overriding this is hence needless and complicates things for no benefit.
  • Many of the configuration settings in /etc/sysconfig allow disabling services. By this they basically become a second level of enabling/disabling over what the init system already offers: when a service is enabled with systemctl enable or chkconfig on these settings override this, and turn the daemon of even though the init system was configured to start it. This of course is very confusing to the user/administrator, and brings virtually no benefit.
  • For options like the configuration of static kernel modules to load: there are nowadays usually much better ways to load kernel modules at boot. For example, most modules may now be autoloaded by udev when the right hardware is found. This goes very far, and even includes ACPI and other high-level technologies. One of the very few exceptions where we currently do not do kernel module autoloading is CPU feature and model based autoloading which however will be supported soon too. And even if your specific module cannot be auto-loaded there's usually a better way to statically load it, for example by sticking it in /etc/load-modules.d so that the administrator can check a standardized place for all statically loaded modules.
  • Last but not least, /etc already is intended to be the place for system configuration ("Host-specific system configuration" according to FHS). A subdirectory beneath it called sysconfig to place system configuration in is hence entirely redundant, already on the language level.

What to use instead? Here are a few recommendations of what to do with these files in the long run in a systemd world:

  • Just drop them without replacement. If they are fully redundant (like the local/UTC RTC setting) this is should be a relatively easy way out (well, ignoring the need for compatibility). If systemd natively supports an equivalent option in the unit files there is no need to duplicate these settings in sysconfig files. For a list of execution options you may set for a service check out the respective man pages: systemd.exec(5) and systemd.service(5). If your setting simply adds another layer where a service can be disabled, remove it to keep things simple. There's no need to have multiple ways to disable a service.
  • Find a better place for them. For configuration of the system locale or system timezone we hope to gently push distributions into the right direction, for more details see previous episode of this series.
  • Turn these settings into native settings of the daemon. If necessary add support for reading native configuration files to the daemon. Thankfully, most of the stuff we run on Linux is Free Software, so this can relatively easily be done.

Of course, there's one very good reason for supporting these files for a bit longer: compatibility for upgrades. But that's is really the only one I could come up with. It's reason enough to keep compatibility for a while, but I think it is a good idea to phase out usage of these files at least in new packages.

If compatibility is important, then systemd will still allow you to read these configuration files even if you otherwise use native systemd unit files. If your sysconfig file only knows simple options EnvironmentFile=-/etc/sysconfig/foobar (See systemd.exec(5) for more information about this option.) may be used to import the settings into the environment and use them to put together command lines. If you need a programming language to make sense of these settings, then use a programming language like shell. For example, place an short shell script in /usr/lib/<your package>/ which reads these files for compatibility, and then exec's the actual daemon binary. Then spawn this script instead of the actual daemon binary with ExecStart= in the unit file.

And this is all for now. Thank you very much for your interest.

Wake up!

If you plan to attend Desktop Summit in Berlin this year, then please REGISTER NOW!

If you do not register, then this means you will have to wait in the signup queue at the conference for substantially longer and might miss a talk or two. You will not get onto the conference WLAN right from the beginning of the conference (access is authenticated and personalized, only people who sign up will get access credentials). Your personal badge will not be ready right-away. If not enough people register we will also have to cut down on the available catering and the parties. We rely on the registration numbers to plan, and if you come but don't sign up before you make it very hard for us to plan. Registration is free, so what are you waiting for?

I am pretty sure you want to avoid all of this right? For your own benefit and for the benefit of everybody else attending the conference, go and register for the conference right-away!

Also, we are still looking for more volunteers for session chairs and runners at the conference. This is your chance to introduce your favourite Open Source hacker on stage! Please consider volunteering and read the Call for Volunteers. Add yourself to the list on the wiki page, today. If you sign up you'll earn yourself the gratitude of the GNOME and KDE communities, and you'll receive the exclusive team T-shirts!

Thank you!

Yet another interview

Here's yes another interview with yours truly. It's on LinuxFR, so I hope you understand some fr_FR.

systemd for Developers II

It has been way too long since I posted the first episode of my systemd for Developers series. Here's finally the second part. Make sure you read the first episode of the series before you start with this part since I'll assume the reader grokked the wonders of socket activation.

Socket Activation, Part II

This time we'll focus on adding socket activation support to real-life software, more specifically the CUPS printing server. Most current Linux desktops run CUPS by default these days, since printing is so basic that it's a must have, and must just work when the user needs it. However, most desktop CUPS installations probably don't actually see more than a handful of print jobs each month. Even if you are a busy office worker you'll unlikely to generate more than a couple of print jobs an hour on your PC. Also, printing is not time critical. Whether a job takes 50ms or 100ms until it reaches the printer matters little. As long as it is less than a few seconds the user probably won't notice. Finally, printers are usually peripheral hardware: they aren't built into your laptop, and you don't always carry them around plugged in. That all together makes CUPS a perfect candidate for lazy activation: instead of starting it unconditionally at boot we just start it on-demand, when it is needed. That way we can save resources, at boot and at runtime. However, this kind of activation needs to take place transparently, so that the user doesn't notice that the print server was not actually running yet when he tried to access it. To achieve that we need to make sure that the print server is started as soon at least one of three conditions hold:

  1. A local client tries to talk to the print server, for example because a GNOME application opened the printing dialog which tries to enumerate available printers.
  2. A printer is being plugged in locally, and it should be configured and enabled and then optionally the user be informed about it.
  3. At boot, when there's still an unprinted print job lurking in the queue.

Of course, the desktop is not the only place where CUPS is used. CUPS can be run in small and big print servers, too. In that case the amount of print jobs is substantially higher, and CUPS should be started right away at boot. That means that (optionally) we still want to start CUPS unconditionally at boot and not delay its execution until when it is needed.

Putting this all together we need four kind of activation to make CUPS work well in all situations at minimal resource usage: socket based activation (to support condition 1 above), hardware based activation (to support condition 2), path based activation (for condition 3) and finally boot-time activation (for the optional server usecase). Let's focus on these kinds of activation in more detail, and in particular on socket-based activation.

Socket Activation in Detail

To implement socket-based activation in CUPS we need to make sure that when sockets are passed from systemd these are used to listen on instead of binding them directly in the CUPS source code. Fortunately this is relatively easy to do in the CUPS sources, since it already supports launchd-style socket activation, as it is used on MacOS X (note that CUPS is nowadays an Apple project). That means the code already has all the necessary hooks to add systemd-style socket activation with minimal work.

To begin with our patching session we check out the CUPS sources. Unfortunately CUPS is still stuck in unhappy Subversion country and not using git yet. In order to simplify our patching work our first step is to use git-svn to check it out locally in a way we can access it with the usual git tools:

git svn clone cups

This will take a while. After the command finished we use the wonderful git grep to look for all occurences of the word "launchd", since that's probably where we need to add the systemd support too. This reveals scheduler/main.c as main source file which implements launchd interaction.

Browsing through this file we notice that two functions are primarily responsible for interfacing with launchd, the appropriately named launchd_checkin() and launchd_checkout() functions. The former acquires the sockets from launchd when the daemon starts up, the latter terminates communication with launchd and is called when the daemon shuts down. systemd's socket activation interfaces are much simpler than those of launchd. Due to that we only need an equivalent of the launchd_checkin() call, and do not need a checkout function. Our own function systemd_checkin() can be implemented very similar to launchd_checkin(): we look at the sockets we got passed and try to map them to the ones configured in the CUPS configuration. If we got more sockets passed than configured in CUPS we implicitly add configuration for them. If the CUPS configuration includes definitions for more listening sockets those will be bound natively in CUPS. That way we'll very robustly listen on all ports that are listed in either systemd or CUPS configuration.

Our function systemd_checkin() uses sd_listen_fds() from sd-daemon.c to acquire the file descriptors. Then, we use sd_is_socket() to map the sockets to the right listening configuration of CUPS, in a loop for each passed socket. The loop corresponds very closely to the loop from launchd_checkin() however is a lot simpler. Our patch so far looks like this.

Before we can test our patch, we add sd-daemon.c and sd-daemon.h as drop-in files to the package, so that sd_listen_fds() and sd_is_socket() are available for use. After a few minimal changes to the Makefile we are almost ready to test our socket activated version of CUPS. The last missing step is creating two unit files for CUPS, one for the socket (cups.socket), the other for the service (cups.service). To make things simple we just drop them in /etc/systemd/system and make sure systemd knows about them, with systemctl daemon-reload.

Now we are ready to test our little patch: we start the socket with systemctl start cups.socket. This will bind the socket, but won't start CUPS yet. Next, we simply invoke lpq to test whether CUPS is transparently started, and yupp, this is exactly what happens. We'll get the normal output from lpq as if we had started CUPS at boot already, and if we then check with systemctl status cups.service we see that CUPS was automatically spawned by our invocation of lpq. Our test succeeded, socket activation worked!

Hardware Activation in Detail

The next trigger is hardware activation: we want to make sure that CUPS is automatically started as soon as a local printer is found, regardless whether that happens as hotplug during runtime or as coldplug during boot. Hardware activation in systemd is done via udev rules. Any udev device that is tagged with the systemd tag can pull in units as needed via the SYSTEMD_WANTS= environment variable. In the case of CUPS we don't even have to add our own udev rule to the mix, we can simply hook into what systemd already does out-of-the-box with rules shipped upstream. More specifically, it ships a udev rules file with the following lines:

SUBSYSTEM=="printer", TAG+="systemd", ENV{SYSTEMD_WANTS}=""
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", KERNEL=="lp*", TAG+="systemd", ENV{SYSTEMD_WANTS}=""
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="usb_device", ENV{ID_USB_INTERFACES}=="*:0701??:*", TAG+="systemd", ENV{SYSTEMD_WANTS}=""

This pulls in the target unit as soon as at least one printer is plugged in (supporting all kinds of printer ports). All we now have to do is make sure that our CUPS service is pulled in by and we are done. By placing line in the [Install] section of the service file, a Wants dependency is created from to cups.service as soon as the latter is enabled with systemctl enable. The indirection via provides us with a simple way to use systemctl enable and systemctl disable to manage hardware activation of a service.

Path-based Activation in Detail

To ensure that CUPS is also started when there is a print job still queued in the printing spool, we write a simple cups.path that activates CUPS as soon as we find a file in /var/spool/cups.

Boot-based Activation in Detail

Well, starting services on boot is obviously the most boring and well-known way to spawn a service. This entire excercise was about making this unnecessary, but we still need to support it for explicit print server machines. Since those are probably the exception and not the common case we do not enable this kind of activation by default, but leave it to the administrator to add it in when he deems it necessary, with a simple command (ln -s /lib/systemd/system/cups.service /etc/systemd/system/ to be precise).

So, now we have covered all four kinds of activation. To finalize our patch we have a closer look at the [Install] section of cups.service, i.e. the part of the unit file that controls how systemctl enable cups.service and systemctl disable cups.service will hook the service into/unhook the service from the system. Since we don't want to start cups at boot we do not place in it like we would do for those services. Instead we just place an Also= line that makes sure that cups.path and cups.socket are automatically also enabled if the user asks to enable cups.service (they are enabled according to the [Install] sections in those unit files).

As last step we then integrate our work into the build system. In contrast to SysV init scripts systemd unit files are supposed to be distribution independent. Hence it is a good idea to include them in the upstream tarball. Unfortunately CUPS doesn't use Automake, but Autoconf with a set of handwritten Makefiles. This requires a bit more work to get our additions integrated, but is not too difficult either. And this is how our final patch looks like, after we commited our work and ran git format-patch -1 on it to generate a pretty git patch.

The next step of course is to get this patch integrated into the upstream and Fedora packages (or whatever other distribution floats your boat). To make this easy I have prepared a patch for Tim that makes the necessary packaging changes for Fedora 16, and includes the patch intended for upstream linked above. Of course, ideally the patch is merged upstream, however in the meantime we can already include it in the Fedora packages.

Note that CUPS was particularly easy to patch since it already supported launchd-style activation, patching a service that doesn't support that yet is only marginally more difficult. (Oh, and we have no plans to offer the complex launchd API as compatibility kludge on Linux. It simply doesn't translate very well, so don't even ask... ;-))

And that finishes our little blog story. I hope this quick walkthrough how to add socket activation (and the other forms of activation) to a package were interesting to you, and will help you doing the same for your own packages. If you have questions, our IRC channel #systemd on freenode and our mailing list are available, and we are always happy to help!

Another interview

Here's another interview with yours truly. It's on IBM developerWorks Brasil, so I hope you understand some pt_BR.


GNOMErs, the Desktop Summit in Berlin, Germany is approaching quickly!

Submit your BoF for the Desktop Summit BoF days NOW! Deadline is July 3rd, this sunday!

Sign up as a volunteer for the Desktop Summit NOW! Deadline is July 18th!

Call For Volunteers

The Desktop Summit 2011 in Berlin, Germany Needs Your Help!

Are you attending the Desktop Summit? Are you interested in helping the GNOME and KDE communities organize this year's Summit? Do you want to work with other Free Software enthusiasts to make the Desktop Summit rock? Would you like to own one of the exclusive Desktop Summit Team T-Shirts?

If so, please sign up as a volunteer for the Desktop Summit!

Read the full Call For Volunteers!

Read Patricia's original announcement.

Or go directly and sign up as a volunteer.

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